Tapped-Out Mom Receives Holy Thursday Washing of Feet by Husband & 8 Kids

I was supposed to be a wife, a mom and leading a life of love, but I was tapped out and couldn’t give any more.

It was Holy Thursday. I was not in a good place. I had no sleep. Massive headache all day. Lots of kids needing help and trying to finish up last minute homework and projects.

By the time I had a chance to eat dinner, I was sitting alone at the table. I had to serve little kids first. Help one child go to the bathroom. Juggle the nursing baby who was fussy. I was exhausted!

As I was sitting at the kitchen table, I realized I was completely hunched over and propping my head up. Slowly putting one bite of food in at a time. Too tired to taste anything.

My husband, Brian, who was holding the baby so I could eat, walks in and exclaims, “I was thinking we could do the Holy Thursday washing of the feet with the kids tonight!”

I couldn’t respond. I was beyond thinking. I didn’t want to do anything anymore. I asked if we could just discuss it after I had finished eating and did the dishes. 

I knew God was asking more of me. My day was not over. I needed to seek him to gain the strength to give more of myself.

I went outside and begged God for some renewal. Something to get me through the night. I felt so empty and drained. I trusted in God to get me through, but I so longed to just call it quits.

I really wanted to tell Brian his idea was bad timing, but the Holy Thursday washing of the feet only happens once a year. I wanted to tell him that it was just too much to do, but I knew in my heart this was God’s plan for our night.

I took a deep breath and went back in. I was determined to try my best and when that failed, I was going to trust in God to give me the grace and strength I needed.

I was in for a surprise. God likes to surprise us when we put our trust in Him.

Brian had set up chairs in the living room and was playing Gregorian chant music softly in the background. Candles, a bowl with water, and towels were carefully placed nearby.

He wrote down all of our names on pieces of paper, all 10 of us including the baby, and placed them in a bowl. We started with a simple prayer, reading the Gospel passage about the Holy Thursday washing of the feet. 

The kids absolutely fell in love with drawing a name and getting to wash someone else’s feet. It was so beautiful. At the end, the baby was the last one to draw a name.

I didn’t realize my feet were the only ones that hadn’t been washed...my name was still left in the bowl. Some of the kids wanted to help the baby wash my feet. Brian said, “Because mom serves all of us so much, whoever wants to wash mom’s feet can.”

Slowly and reverently each child came up, and carefully and lovingly washed my feet.

While doing each other’s they had fun or thought it was unique and different. But, as they washed mine, a new meaning came over them. I could see it in the way they bathed my feet and carefully dried them.

I realized how blessed I was. The guilt crept in when I recalled how I felt earlier that evening when Brian mentioned the idea and I felt too tired to wash anyone’s feet. When I didn’t want to serve anyone anymore!

But, I marveled, here I am now with each one coming forward and loving me. Each one showed how much they wanted to serve me. 

I know this. Jesus gave us an example of love...of serving one another. It is so beautiful. Serve one another. Love one another.

That night, I was sure God was calling me to go along with another of my husband’s crazy ideas, because He wanted me to serve my family more. However, instead of serving, I was the one served.

In trusting in his plan for me, I was refreshed, cleansed, and filled with love. God transformed the day from one of sorrow to one of love!

“Jesus answered and said to him, ‘What I am doing, you do not understand now, but you will understand later.’” (Jn 13:7)

Trusting in God to lead me each day is a challenge. I want to take charge. I want to make the plans. I want to take the easy route. However, so many times the Lord calls me to bend my will. To trust him and where he is leading me.

Every time I recall how I let go of my own ideas and let him lead me, I am always awed and humbled by how great his love is for me. In the moment, I never understand what he has planned, yet, that simple “Yes, Lord!” is all he ever really requires.

 It is a “Yes!” to offering myself in love to those around me. 

Often, in those very moments when I feel like I have nothing left to give, that is when God’s grace comes falling down on me like buckets. Simple acts of love, such as: Letting a kid hug on me that extra minute when I have a hundred other things to do or pulling aside a worrying teen before they rush off to school to remind them that I am praying for them and to give them a quick blessing by making the Sign of the Cross on their forehead.

Every morning, after the rush of getting lunches made and everyone fed, dressed, and buckled into the car, we pray on the way to school. Everyone gets their turn to tell God their fears, concerns, and joys.

Just before my husband gets home, we pick up the toys in the living room because I know it helps him with transitioning from work to home if it isn’t crazy messy.

These little acts of love can seem overwhelming when you are totally exhausted. Yet, seeking God’s strength over and over again can make them easily happen. In the end, they usually only take a few minutes, but can change the life of the other person on the receiving end completely.

It is those little moments, when we allow God’s love to flow through us and onto those around us, this is where we find our purpose. 

When we have nothing left to give, that is when God starts truly shining through us. Our ideas and our pride are stripped away and we are left simply as an instrument for God to play in and through.

That is when his grace is transforming. In our weakness, we serve others, and that is when the servant realizes just how greatly God is supporting and guiding him or her. This is also when we fulfill our call to be a disciple of God’s love.

“When Jesus knew that his hour had come to depart from this world to the Father, having loved his own who were in the world, he loved them to the end…[Jesus] laid aside his garments, and girded himself with a towel. Then he poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples’ feet, and to wipe them with the towel with which he was girded.” (Jn 13:1-5)

My prayer to you today, beloved Jesus:

You call us to cast aside our garments—our pride and desires. We are all called to be your disciple. You call us to love and serve those around us to the very end, never ceasing. You gave your all, even on the night when you knew torture, pain, and immense humiliations were about to fall upon you.

My Jesus, in your great love, you gave. Help us to follow in the path you have set before us. In our vocation in this life, we are tempted to become selfish and focus on our own wants and desires. Yet, Jesus, you show us the way of sacrificial love. Lord, give us the strength in our weakness. Help us to emulate your example. O

Lord, you show us that in serving and loving those around us, we are blessed. By allowing your love to flow through us, we are filled even more with that great love. By sharing your love, we lead those around us to you. They will begin to see the acts, words, and love not as our own, but rather stemming from you, O Lord. May it be your love shining on those around us. Amen.

Jesus taught each of us the path we should follow. He demonstrated so clearly this dedication in the service of love through the Holy Thursday washing of the feet.

The Lord calls us to put aside our own will, pride, and desires, and simply trust in him. We are all called to be disciples of love to each person we meet. In this mystical sacrifice of love, God fills us, renews us, and enlightens us.

This is the pathway of sharing the Good News. We don’t need words. All we have to do is say, “Yes” to simple and humble acts done with great love. 

“I have given you a model to follow, so that as I have done for you, you should also do.” (Jn 13:15)

About Amanda LeCompte:

Amanda LeCompte is blessed to be married to Brian for over 16 years. They have eight children and are expecting their ninth soon. They have been parishioners of Prince of Peace since 2006. Amanda has been in multiple ministries and groups within the parish. She enjoys spending her time in the garden and baking while usually juggling a baby on her hip. Amanda tries to seek each moment as an opportunity of prayer and a way of sharing God’s light of love to all those she encounters…even if that is simply folding clothes or changing diapers.

Favorite Scripture: “Love is patient, love is kind. …It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails” (1 Cor 13:4-8).

Amanda LeCompte

Amanda LeCompte has been blessed to be married to Brian for over 16 years. They have eight children and are expecting their ninth soon. They have been parishioners of Prince of Peace since 2006. Amanda has been in multiple ministries and groups within the parish. She enjoys spending her time in the garden and baking while usually juggling a baby on her hip. Amanda tries to seek each moment as an opportunity of prayer and a way of sharing God’s light of love to all those she encounters…even it that is simply folding clothes or changing diapers. 

Favorite Bible verse: “Love is patient, love is kind. …It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails.” 1 Cor 13:4-8


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